Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 草案出來了Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia 草案出來了不過這只是草案喔七 月才會有定案出來!草案中 對於英文的要求維持 雅思說聽讀寫七分裝潢唯一能Waive掉雅思七分 的是高中是用英文教學所 以阿以後即使三年大學都在澳洲完成 也必須通過雅思七分這是在我預期中的我通常都鼓勵同學 不管怎樣 雅思是很難避免得了的所 以要在唸書過程中 就室內裝潢得準備了雅思是真的要準備 不是說英文很好就能得高分它有一定的遊戲規則 多做考古題一定有幫助~以 下連結是草案: 室內設計 An applicant who is:(a) an internationally qualified applicant, or(b) an applicant 裝潢who did not undertake and complete their secondary education to the requisite level required for entryinto a nursing or midwifery program, taught and assessed in Englishmust 室內裝潢arrange for evidence to be provided to the Board of competency in English language skills as demonstrated byhaving completed the following tests of English language 設計裝潢proficiency:(a) the IELTS examination (academic module) with a minimum score of 7 in each of the four components (listening,reading, writing and speaking); or(b) completion and 系統傢俱an overall pass in the OET with grades A or B only in each of the four components.2 Results must have been obtained within two years prior to applying for registration.3. 系統家具Results from any of the abovementioned English language examinations must be obtained in one sitting.4. The applicant is responsible for the cost of English tests.5. The 景觀設計applicant must make arrangements for test results to be provided directly to the Board by the testing authority; forexample, by secure internet login.Email:

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